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Dr. Patnaik's Brain Spine & Heart Care Centre - Brain Tumor & Spinal Cord tumor surgery  | Dr. Pavitra Patnaik

Brain Tumor & Spinal Cord tumor surgery

Although the diagnosis of brain & spinal cord tumors is devastating for any person and his family, not all tumors are dangerous if one seeks medical help in time. With early diagnosis and surgical treatment, many patients lead normal life without tumor recurrences. Since there is no medical treatment to resolve or remove brain & spine tumors, surgical removal is the mainstay of their treatment. Although some tumors can be malignant & regrow fast, the majority are benign & slow growing. These can be completely removed giving a new lease of life to the patient.

Symptoms of brain tumor can be :

  • Headache and vomiting (especially early morning)
  • Visual disturbance
  • Giddiness
  • Forgetfulness
  • Behavioral changes
  • Hearing loss
  • Paralysis
  • Difficulty in walking etc.

It is imperative to take preventive measures to avoid such injuries and seek medical attention immediately in the event of a physical trauma that may result in a potential brain injury.

Indications to seek medical help include:

  • Loss of Consciousness
  • Bleeding from nose/mouth
  • Black eye
  • Vomiting & Headache
  • Penetrating head injuries

A spinal tumor can cause various symptoms, including back pain, impaired sensation, and motor function of the arms, legs or both, breathing difficulty, bladder (urine) or bowel (motions) problems.

Spinal tumor is characterized by an abnormal proliferation of cells in the spine. In some cases, a spinal tumor may be cancerous or benign. While medical treatment can help manage symptoms, early detection and treatment of spinal tumors is essential to prevent more severe consequences. If one experiences persistent symptoms, one should seek medical attention from a Neurosurgeon.